[ C h a o s   M a t r i x ]
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Ouranian Barbaric

* The Barbarous Tongue Generation Rite, A ritual to channel new Ouranian Barbaric words
* Cajegne Tajeed, A Ouranian Barbaric christmas carol sung to the tune of "Silent Night"
* Channelling Ouranian, Creating new Ouranian Barbaric words with Scrabble tiles
* The Ouranian Barbaric Dictionary, The definitive Ouranian Barbaric dictionary with all the latest updates
* Ouranian Barbaric FAQ 3.0, Questions and Answers about Ouranian Barbaric, the proprietary language of chaos magicians
* Ouranian Barbaric and the Use of Barbarous Tongues, An examination of various topics about the Ouranian Barbaric language
* The Ouranos Rite, A basic invocation of Ouranos (Uranus)
