THE ENOCHIAN HEXAGRAM BANISHING RITUAL: 1. Stand facing North with feet together, left hand at your side and right arm extended and centered with Fire Wand, thumd wand or crystal* upright in front of you. 2. Face the East. Trace a banishing Air Hexagram (yellow), and intone: BUSD DE YAD (BOOS-DEH DAY EE-AH-DAH; The Glory of God) vibrating one syllable of this name with each angle of the Air Hexagram. Then assume the God-Sign of Osiris Slain and intone: MYKMAH A-YAL PRG DE VAOAN, AR QUASB TYBYBF, DOALYM OD TELOKH (MEE-KAH-MAH AH-EE-AH-EL PAY-RAY-GEE-DAY VAY-OH-AH-NOO, AH-RAY KOO-AH-ESS-BAY, TEE-BEE-BAY-EFF OH-DAH TAY-LOH-KAH-HAY) 3. Face South. Trace a banishing Fire Hexagram (red), and repeat intonation, vibrating one syllable of the name for each angle of Fire Hexagram. Then assume the God-Sign of Mulier and intone: MIKMAH, VLS DE AGEOBOFAL Y DLUGA TOGLO PUGO A TALHO (MEE-KAH-MAH, VAH-LAH-ESS DAY AH-GAY-OH-BAH-FAH-LAH EE DAH-LOO-GAH TOH-GEE-LOH POO-GOH AH TAH-LEH-HOH) 4. Face West.Trace a banishing Water Hexagram (blue), repeating intonation, vibrating one syllable of the name for each angle of Water Hexagram. Then assume God-Sign of Osiris Risen. 5. Face the North. Trace the banishing Earth Hexagram (black), repeating the intonation. Then assume God-Sign of Vir. 6. Facing North in the center of the circle, assume the God-Sign of Osiris Slain, with arms outstretched, and intone; LUKAL Y YKZHHKAL (LOO-KAH-LAH EE EE-KEH-ZAH-HEH-KEH-AH-LAH) BABAGE Y EDLPRNAA (BAH-BAH-GAY EE EH-DAH-LAH-PAH-AHR-NAH-AH) RA-AS Y BATAYVAH (RAH AH-ESS EE BAH-AH-TAH-AH-EE-VAH-HEH) OD SOBOLN Y RAAGYSOL (OH-DAH SOH-BOH-LOH-NAH EE RAH-AH-GAH-EE-OH-ESS-LAH) MYKMA VNAL YALPOR OYVEAE (MEE-KAH-MAH VAH-NAH-LAH EE-AH-EL-POH-RAY OH-EE-VAY-AH-AY) DS BYAH ASPS O NOKO (DAH-ESS BEE-AH AH-ESS-PAY OH NOH-KOH) ----------------------------