From: Clay Holden ( To: Subject: "I am the dowghter of fortitude" Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 19:45:13 -0800 To all: Here, as promised, is my transcription of the "Daughter of Fortitude" speech from the Cotton Appendix. There is at least one significant difference here from Casaubon's transcription. I cannot guarantee that I have made no transcription errors, but in the case of replacing the word "stone" with "sonne", I am in no doubt. I have not included Dee's marginal notes here, as they are essentially the same as appears in Casaubon, and are not essential to the text in this instance. Hoping that this is of some interest to you. Clay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- [BOF] Transcribed from Cotton Appendix XLVI, Division XII, "Actio Tertio Trebonae Generalis", ff. 218-220 ----------------------------------------------------------- I am the dowghter of fortitude, & ravyshed every howr, from my youth, for behold, I am understanding, & science dwelleth in me : & the hevens oppress me, They covet and desyre me with infinite appetite few or none that are erthly have embraced me for I am shadowed with the circle of the sonne : and covered with the morning clouds: My feet are swifter than the wynds, & my hands are sweter than the morning dew. My garments are from the beginning: & my dwelling place is in my self. The lyon knoweth not where I walk : neyther do the bestes of the field understand me. I am deflowered & yet a virgin. I sanctifie & am not sanctified happy is he that embraceth me. for in the night season I am sweete, in the day full of pleasure [end folio 218 / begin folio 219] my company is a harmony of many Cymballs And my lips sweeter than helth it self. I am a harlot for such as ravish me : and a virgin with such as know me not : for lo I am loved of many : & I am a lover to many: and as many as come unto me as they should do, have theyr enterteynment. Purge your streets o you sons of men, & wash your howses clean Make your selves holy, & put on righteousness Cast out your old strumpets, & burn theyr cloathes Absteyn from the company of other women that are defyled, that are sluttish, & not so handsome, & bewtiful as I. And then will I come & dwell amongst you. And behold I will bring furth Children unto you: & they shall be the sons of comfort I will open my garments, & stand naked before you that your love may be more enflamed toward me. As yet, I walk in the clowdes, As yet, I am carryed with the wyndes : And can not descend unto you for the multitude of your abbominations, & the filthy lothesomnes of your dwelling places. Behold these fowre, who is he, that ----------------------------------- shall say, they have synned : or unto whom shall ------------------------------------------------ they make accownt? Not unto you, =F4 you sons ------------------------------------------- of men, nor unto your children : for unto the lord -------------------------------------------------- belongeth the Judgment of his servants -------------------------------------- Now therfor, let the erth give furth her fruits unto you : And let the mowntayns forsake theyr barrenness wher your fotestepps shall remayne. happy is he that saluteth you : & cursed is he that holdeth up his hands against you. & power shall be given unto ------------------------- you from hence furth to resyst your enemies : & the lord shall allways here you in the tymes of your trubbles. And I am sent unto you to play -------- ---- the harlot with you : And am to enrich you with the spoyles of other men : prepare for me, for I comme shortly. Provyde your Chambers for me that they may be swete & clenly : for I will make a dwelling place amongst you : and I will be common with the father & the sonne, yea and with all them that truely favoreth you [end folio 219 / begin folio 220] for my youth, is in her flowre and my strength is not to be extinguished with man. Strong am I above & below. Therefor, provyde for me. for behold I now salute you. And let peace be amongst you : for I am the Dowghter of Cumfort. Disclose not --------------------------------- my secrets unto women : nether let them understand ----------------------- how swete I am. for all things belongeth not unto every one I comme unto you again. ------------------------------- [EOF] Clay Holden ( - ) ( + ) "Super caelestes roretis aquae: __:__ Et terra fructum dabit suum." | -John Dee /^|^\