A THELEMIC LANGUAGE LESSON WHAT THELEMITES SAY: WHAT THEY MEAN: 1. Do what thou wilt. 1. Fine, don't do it my way...but it'll be wrong. 2. I disagree, but "As brothers fight 2. I'm planning your "greater feast" for sometime next week. 3. Take your fill and will of love as 3. Wanna fuck? ye will. 4. It's beyond your grade. 4. I don't know. 5. Meditate on it. 5. I really don't know. 6. It's a blind. 6. No one knows. 7. It's revealed wisdom. 7. He made it up. 8. Their rituals are too "Old Aeon." 8. There's not enough sex and violence. 9. In terms of physical phenomena, 9. My cat exploded. the ritual was a success. 10.That lecture was very informative. 10.How many oaths did you break with this one? 11.Our ritual should be quite 11.It's a combined Horus invocation powerful. /Choronzon evocation with a little Cthulu thrown in for extra punch. 12.His new rituals are very true to 12.He changed two words in Liber Crowley's vision. Pyramidos 13.Taking this initiation will 13.Your husband will leave, you'll accelerate your progress lose your job, a meteor will on the path. strike your car and your dog will die. 14.That's an interesting 14.Crowley is spinning in his interpretation. grave fast enough to generate electricity. 15.Their camp is very independent. 15.They're planning the overthrow of the Grand Master and they've become born-again Christians. 16.That's how Crowley originally 16.I don't have a good reason, but intended it. I like it that way. 17.Their temple has a lot of magical 17.They haven't banished since energy. 1967. 18.The party was fun.....you know, the 18.There were 3 major philosophical usual. schisms, 2 magical duels to the death, an impromptu X-rated Gnostic Mass, and the usual orgy to follow. 19.He brings a strong sense of 19.He's Crowley's incarnation and conviction to his commentaries on he wants royalties. Crowley's works. 20.Yes, "Liber Call Me AL" is very 20.Tell us who wrote it so we can witty. kill him. 21.Your "Law Under the Law" column has 21.The FBI just called, and we some interesting political turned you in. implications.