------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II ---------------->> II <<----------------------------------------------------- <<------II------>> Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth II <<--II-->> OnLine Transmission V1.00 Ratio Zero II <<------II------>> December 23, 1990 ---------------->> II <<----------------------------------------------------- II Send all subscription inquiries, submissions, feedback, text, bitching, etc to: kitsune@u.washington.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ov this file: 1> Statement b/Coyote 129 2> First Annual Report b/Coyote 131 3> Computers and Sigils b/Coyote 129 4> Expressing Emotions b/Kali 100 5> Excerpts from Thee Grey Book ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1> Statement... Well, Here E am again! Thee EXTREME amount ov inclement weather here in Seattle won't keep me from getting this out (although it may be a couple days late!) E thank eou all for eour encouragement and other feedback. E appreciate it! This issue marks my first anniversary as an act-ive member ov TOPY, as such E thought it would be interesting to ask others in thee network about their experiences while in thee Tribe. Coyote 131 was wonderful in his reply! While his thoughts may seem strange to those that don't know about thee work ov TOPY, his honesty alone reflects one ov thee main goals ov TOPY!! Coum ov my work this y-era has been with thee use ov computers as Magickal Weapons. As >my< report, E present a first draft on Computers and Sigils. Next we have an essay by Kali 100 from TOPY SoCal (Kalifornia). This is reprinted from their "First Transmisson" booklet. E dont have their new address lying around, but e-mail if eou are interested in writing them.. Finally, coum excerpts from thee Grey Book. Thee "bible" [haha] ov thee Psychick Youth movement. E encourage eou to write to TOPY US to get a copy if eou are at all interested in becouming involved in thee work ov thee Temple: TOPY US Box 18223, Denver, CO 80218 > include a couple stamps and tell them that eou get this mailer... now thee wants list: Info on Austin Spare Info on Thee Typhonian OTO Info on MKULTRA Experiments Info on Thee Holy Grail Info on Sex Enough? see eou next month... E will have an essay by John Balance on Tantrik masturbation, among other things... SEND EOUR ESSAY NOW!! L-ov-e: Coyote 129 kitsune@u.washington.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: The wolf yoked to the hitching post of Ganesh. Subject: First Annual Report Date: Sat, 15 Dec 90 18:47:40 PDT As E near thee end ov 1990 and thee last Sigil ov this y-era E look back at our growth, our expectations and thee changes in our expectations...at a young age E realized there was great 'power' in thee orgasm and experimented intuitively with thee different mind altering capabilities of masturbation...thee following is one ov thee experiments...even though E had N0 belief in gods and demons...at least not beyond our own mindscapes as Jungian archtypes...E would make L-ov-E to thee Moon...when thee Moon was full E would venture out beyond thee field ov vision from thee farm house in which E grew up...into thee fields and would strip naked at all times ov thee y-era...winter was exceptionally exhillarating with thee intense cold and eeery light reflecting off ov thee lunar landscape formed by thee snow...there E would make my 'psychick scrifice' to thee Moon...thee E-fects produced by such an orgasm were incredibly different than ordianry masturbation...it would give us heightened awareness and a sense ov transendence...at thee timE E was not very theoretical as to what E was doing or what was happening to us...E did feel as if E was touching something Magickal...E had been told many superstions regarding thee luancy producing E-fects ov Thee Full Moon and had quite a phobia regarding sleeping in thee light ov the full moon...so such L-ov-E was quite taboo breaking in that fiyst E was touching myself, secondly E was touching myself not out ov mundane sexual satisfaction but out ov a desire to touch something deeper in our 'self'and thirdly E was breaking a personal taboo doing such a personal act in thee light ov thee Full Moon...at thee time E might ov thought it a reaction to the gravity E-fecting thee waters in our inner ear...or possibly a reaction to the archtype ov thee goddess Luna E was creating with thee power ov our OV...E do not now know our thoughts...it has been ten years...but E most certainly felt an Energy...days go by...E leave thee farm and thee fields ov our youth for college and apartment life...E am intrigued by mysticism in all cultures and particularly thee study ov Tantra and other psycho-sexual rituals...the taboo breaking ov Tantra particularly interests us...as does thee Tantrik concept ov thee wH0LE person one who has intergrated both thee male and thee female principles within one's 'self'... but am Turned Off by thee heterosexism inherent in many narrow minded Western interpretations ov Tantra...many ov thee sexual rites are called 'left-handed' or by thee above mentioned westerners 'evil'... and thee few all male rites or onanistic rites that have homosexual references such as the direct stimualtion ov thee lowest 'cakra' with a 'lingam'that is in less esoteric terms thee stimulation of thee area below thee genitals (ie thee anus and prostrate gland or sponge in thee female) with a dildo which is symbolic ov thee ov creative power in male sexual Energy...these are considered extremely 'lefthanded' or 'evil' and are usually only mentioned in passing and in negative terms...this lack ov information and fear ov Thee Red Death (aids) led to us to begin devising our own system ov Tantra which E gave a working title ov O.T.M. for Onanstic Tantik Meditation...about this timE E recieved thee Grey Book...there was much synchronicity...firstly between thee sigilizing process and our own O.T.M. concept...secondly thee drawing ov blood, thee spilling ov it on a paper and then thee signing ov thee paper was very taboo breaking...due to its resemblance to Medevial pacts with thee Devil...these were all taboos which E held even though as E stated E do not believe in 'external' demons... and it also incorporated well with thee use ov blood in Tantrik rites...thee third synchronicty was that thee Grey Book arrived was read and our first Sigil was performed on thee first 23rd ov this y-era.... Thee first Sigil was done impromptu...E had just finished reading thee Grey Book and it was near thee 23rd hour ov thee day...so E got a candle and put on thee stereo Themes 2...thee mind altering power ov sound intersts me...E ritually bathed...this consists ov laying in thee bath and giving our 'self' a golden shower...other than thee alchemic significance ov this thee turning ov a base act into gold...E also Emagined that all ov thee negative Energy in our body to be passing out ov E with thee urine...and then quickly showering...E then kneeled before thee candle with a dagger E smuggled from Mexico, apen and paper...quickly jotting done thee most ideal sexual fantasy e could think ov in thee time remaing...in Essence it had S/M overtones dealing with Control...being completely in control, aggressive, aware, active and pentrating...this being thee Tibetan model of male sexual Energy thee inverse of the Hindu model where the male is passive... having sex with thee complete opposite ov an ambiguous sex...this model E have continued to use...at thee timE it was only thee most ideal fantasy, only later did E begin to realize some ov thee symbolism involved and in fact E am still discovering something new each timE...E then marked thee paper with thee most relevant symbol at thee timE, a Psychick Cross...E spit, cut hair and pubic hair placing it in thee spit...E then cut myself quickly and sharply just enough to draw a drop of blood whcih E smeared on our signature... excitation is hard after cutting, but by concentrating hard on thee fantasy E was also able to get hard...a true act ov WILL...E then masturbated to climax contemplating one ov three things alternatingly...thee fantasy...thee flickering flame ov thee candle...thee concept ov thee Temple 'where' an unknown number were also Sigilizing at that moment...this last focus was overwhelming and what brought about thee climax...covering E, thee foor and thee nearby paper with OV... E had gone into this first Sigil with N0 expectations...and came out with a sense of transcendence E had not had for y-eras... Thee next few sigils were not as nearly as awe inspiring...E did not lose heart...E changed thee ritual musick E used to some ov our own origin literally...using tapes of thee sounds ov sex and our first tatoo combined with E playing thee Tibetan Bell, Bowl and Thighbone Trumpet ...along with thee Enochian Chanting ov Crowley and thee tolling ov a funeral bell ...this piece is very mind altering in itself...at least for E...propably due to how personal these sounds are... (for more theories on this see: The Job by W.S.B.)...this ritual musick greatly enhanced thee Sigilizing Process by making it more my own... Thee next great change came during "Thee Rites Ov Passage"...thee greatest hurdle for E was thee lack ov control...until E had dream flashes ov our ideal fantasy...only from a different view point...from thee object ov our lust...E experienced a loss ov subject-object relationships and had a sense ov wH0LEness... Thee next Sigil E performed was a spontaneous act...E was using thee dreamachine and began to have clear distinct images ov our ideal fantasy...so E took that as an omen even though this was not on thee 23rd...grabbed a blank piece ov paper and thee dagger using thee dreamachine as thee only light source... E performed thee Sigil with 'eyes' closed... Thee penultimate Sigil ov 1990 was performed after spending thee entire day on psycho-active chemicals...this one was thee most meaningful one thus far...thee paper E used was an extra photocopy E made ov thee hermaphrodite form ov Siva\Sakti...with thee left side feminine and thee right side masculine...thee Tantrik symbol ov satiation without desire...during this Sigil E had dream flashes ov thee ideal fantasy from thee point ov view ov fist as subject then as object and back and forth til E once again E transcendent thee concept ov subject-object and experienced a sense ov wH0LEness...accompanied by Eg0 loss...thee goal ov Tantrik ritual...this last Sigil left E with a sense ov 'satisfaction with out desire' and E WILL try not to let thee most recent success create great expectations as thee first Sigil did. "Time spelled backwards is Emit... Time is that which Emits." G.P-O. L-ov-E Coyote 131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Computers and Sigilization by Coyote 129 E stumbled upon thee idea ov Computerized Sigils in late 1989, while drawing Op-Art patterns on my old Commodore 64. There was a specific process that E performed on a seed image, that would always result in a distinct (yet similar) result. It seemed to me that this was very much like thee way in which AOS made his sigils. E performed 2 rituals using this tech-nique, both ov which have since coum to fruition... :-) E refined this core idea even further when E got an Amiga. Its sophiticated grafix enabled me to manipulate images in ways that E never imagined with thee 64.... A favorite method ov myne is to take an image that represents thee idea that E wish to make a sigil ov, perhaps mapped over another image, or coum text, and turn that image into a brush. Then shrink thee brush, to perhaps 1/16th ov original size... then enlarge back to original size. This will erase all detail and eou will end up with a good stylized image. Collage is another good method. E use this method in conjuction with thee other method for a more direct visual stimuli. By combining stylized images with "normal" images, eou can program both eour waking and un-waking minds. E recently got another tool to use, E was informed ov thee ability ov GNU Emacs to do cut-ups: M-x dissociated-press [M is thee Emacs slang for thee "ESC" key...] Is how one does cutups in emacs...Supposedly giving it a positive argument cuts-up by letter. Negative argument means cut-up by word... It starts and places the results in the buffer Dissociations and asks you if you want more rearrangement... Much ^?more info in the INFO tree under Amusements Node... E did this to a copy ov last months mailer... here is thee output: He was done withrouah ouah ouah' To obtain a 'wonderful! I'm doing for thee commight be called to the signary ings Allies! Welcome quality of the auring column of Moholy' me, I beliends,' he said to the floor, viande congels and Goring, Aught, and perhaps making a blue of aware human being heliphaz Levisualization: Thee could ing enlight.' Rudolk Culture Organization formit' hada, Merz, and thefood, fat Rohm, now, I wanything) send it. Sidths allow myself a full of my hitler pink skin alsocietices legs, body, Mersons (mysecret Chiefs' of touch I visualizel (who translatered loungenitalstered lounge swastikarl Haushoughts, quet for the Golden Dawn, will dawn sychick Youth. Isn't thale for six: Nov, 23. 1990 ------------If youth Hess work writtentional magicial ejaculation. Lytton's boo E am very excited by thee potental ov this new tool. more to follow... l-ov-e: 129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPRESSING EMOTIONS b/ Kali 100 Love and hate are positive and negative emotions. They are opposite from each other and they both, in a sense, need each other. Or do they? Every human being feels emotion. Emotion being Love, Hate, and everything in between. But where do these emotions come from? We will discuss thee answers to this question step by step First, emotions tend to come from what we see and hear on TV and related media. Since thee emotions from TV and related media are almost always over dramatized, they aren't exactly true to life. People have a tendency to act-out thee emotions they see, therefore, over-dramatizing thier own true feelings in any given situation. Over a long period ov time, thee dramatization becoums real. This can explain why many people are "over-emotional" sometimes or all thee time. Second, emotions come from family and friends. We see how people we know express thier feelings, so we mimick each other, because we are never taught or given thee chance to express how we feel in a true spirit. Its kind ov like monkey-see, monkey-do. Now thee result ov all this is billions ov people running around mimicking each other with over-dramatized love and hate, and saying its natural behavior. Is it really? Third, emotions come from within. We all love, hate, feel sadness, happiness, and so on. How we express these is extremely important. No one can tell anyone how to truly express thier own emotions, we realize it on our own when thee time is right. There are some things, however, that should be considered.. WE are responsible for how WE feel, and how WE express that feeling. Putting "blame" and placing "fault" on others for how we feel is something that we have been taught and shown to do, by TV, related media, and, in broader terms, society. Controlling your emotions, and thee emotions ov others is another thing that we have been taught to do. Emotions are mental, and should not be manifested in negative ways. Negative being: blame, fault, control, violence, etc. To sum up, we are told to be-lie-ve that thee "real" world is like TV. Soap Opera love and hate. We are told to be paranoid ov our neighbors. Trust no one! Hate, hate, hate! Hate what we tell you to hate, love only people, things, and gods we tell you to love. Feel only what we tell you to feel, and we'll tell you how to express it. The person who explores their real Self, who is in touch with their real Self, who sees life as flat people dont see, is usually less apt to be over-emotional. They feel ALL emotions, but are always trying to learn to express them in positive ways. Consider this: If a person never said, wrote, or made any action negatively towards ANYTHING, EVER; and just kept their negative thoughts to themslef, they would therefore not generate any outward negative energy, thus generating only positive, right? Wouldn't this person then have to be relieved of all negative energy towards them? They would receive only positive: then they wouldn't have any negative to keep to themself. They would therefore have no conception ov what negative is. It was never given to them, so they never felt it, experienced it, or gave it to anyone else. Negative destroys itself. Thee all negative human will eventually destroy their self. Thee positive human will receive positive, and will eliminate negativities inside them, and negatives towards them. What exactly is positive? When it all comes down to it...it's LOVE. Integrate your whole Self by loving and knowing your Self. Through ritual, sigil, and interaction with others, we learn to love our Self. When we love our Self, we love life. Love is positive. Psychick Youth strive to love and know their Self. When establishment control eventually destroys itself, thee human race can survive, only through positive energy. Thee time is NOW. It's never too late to start to love and know your Self. Eliminate thee negative, touch your Self, dont be afraid ov your Self, live in your True Self reality. We will survive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpts from Thee Grey Book. THOSE WHO DO NOT REMEMBER THEE PAST ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT. Thee Temple strives to end personal laziness and engender discipline. To focus the will on one's true desires, in thee belief, gathered from experience that this maximises and makes happen all those things that one wants in every area ov Life. Clean out thee trappings and debris of compromise, ov what eou've been told is 'reasonable' for a person in eour circumstances. Be clear in admitting eour real desires. Discard all irrelevancies. Ask eourself who eou want as friends, if eou need or want to work, what eou want to eat. Check and Re-Check everything deeper and deeper, more and more precisely to get closer to and ultimatly integrate with eour Real Self. Once eou are focussed on eour Self internally, thee external aspects ov eour life will fall into place. They have to. Skeptics will say they simply don't believe this Psychick process works. but it does. It is thee Key to thee Temple. Our enemies are flat. Our enemies are three-dimentional. Our enemies are continuity and coherence. Our enemies are restriction and confinement. Our enemies are guilt and fear. Our enemies are material. Our enemies are direction and fact. Our enemies are Because. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> End ov TOPY OnLine 1.00 << ===============================================================================