Questions and Answers on the Z(Cluster) 1. What is the Z(Cluster)? a)The Z(Cluster) is an association of chaos magicians b)The Z(Cluster) is a chaos infection, spreading through the internet, and lodging in the damaged neocorteces of chaos magicians foolish enough to believe that magick can be performed through the recycled electrons of the world wide data web. c)The Z(Cluster) is a group of IOT wannabees whose only purpose in life is to whine about/wimpily attack the standup real chaos magicians of that venerable association. d)The Z(Cluster) is a figment of the editor's imagination. e)The Z(Cluster) is a figment of your imagination. If you had not committed the original sin of dualistic thinking you would realize there is no such phenomenam as the Z(Cluster). 2. Why should I join the Z(Cluster)? a)I'm so confused by the answers to question 1 that the only way I can expect to sleep tonight is by joining. b)I like their style. c)I hate the IOT, the OTO, the GD, and every other magickal organization I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. c)I'm interested in chaos magick and would like to practice strange dark rites but am disturbed by those tentacles that tap at my window every time I do a rite from Simon's Necronomicaon. d)I got nothing to lose because the Z(Cluster), unlike every other group I have every encountered doesn't actually expect me to do squat. e)I'm real lazy but think that by becoming a member and hence a real chaote i will (i) get laid more often, (ii) not get beaten up quite so much, (iii)will be reborn in a sexual paradise when I die. f)I actually understand most of this shit they're trying to do and agree that civilization is a disease, that bringing about the destruction of the consensual belief structure, and hence the end of the world, is a good thing. 2. O.K. I can say yes to one of the above. How can I join? Joining the Z(Cluster) requires a simple declaration. Actually getting anything out of it requires telling that you are a member. Something along the lines of "I declare myself to be a member of the Z(Cluster)." It is customary for members to declarethemselves a node, and give themselves a node name containing the letter Z. Some members refuse to do this. Since there are no rules, ranks, leaders, dues, or any other requirements to associate with the Z(Cluster) members are governed by common courtesy, or whatever they deem to be such. Since the Z(Cluster) is also a clearinghouse for chaos related messages, rituals, and documents, getting on the ZCluster mailing list ensures continuing information. Declaring membership to marik automatically puts you on the mailing list. To get off the mailing list just tell marik, or better yet, get booted off your service provider and don't tell marik what your new provider's address is. If your mail bounces marik immediately removes you from the list. Now isn't that a lot easier than send "unsubscribe me" majordome mariksama.listautomata with "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing". in the sub-sub subject line? 3. If I refuse to declare myself a member will I be able to participate in Z(Cluster) activities? a)Certainly b)Absolutely not c)Maybe d)What do I know? 3. Who belongs to the Z(Cluster)? As of 2/15/96 there are 25 known nodes of the cluster. Some of these nodes contain 15 to 30 members, some 5 to 10, and most one or two. Estimates on the actual membership range between 50 and 100. Some nodes appear to be inactive, some are working, some are hyperactive, and some may have passed on to a higher state of human evolution and joined the Greys in their sadly misunderstood but brave war against the fascist Galactic Federation.(Waddyamean you don't think the Greys should be abducting humans and subjecting them to proctological examinations with gleaming steel probes? A number of our members have been pleading with the greys for just this experience, but no luck so far!) Anyway, if you really want to know who belongs, declare yourself a member to marik and he'll send you a list of members, their net addresses, and even, from the really foolish, their home addresses and telephone numbers. 4. What does the Z(Cluster) have to offer? A mailing list. The occassional newsletter. An ezine once or twice a year. A tinymuck space in which online rituals can take place in real time. A hard copy zine of indeterminate frequency. Soon, a website and a webzine. Mainly plenty of support from chaos magicians genuinely interested in sharing their knowledge, having fun, perfoming online rituals, and treating each other in a friendly, intelligent, and (given this document) surprisingly mature way. In Chaos marik