Chaos Excursion

An exercise of the Disk
Supplement to the Jihad and Monasticism

One may choose to perform an Excursion of Chaos for any amount of time they see fit, though at least one week is suggested. During their Excursion, the individual will consider themselves as on a journey of Chaos and will call themselves a "Pilgrim of Chaos". The individual may choose to follow the Lesser, Greater, or Extreme Excursion at their discretion. The Excursion is a personal journey and should not be spoken of at length until after the Excursion has been completed. The purposes of the Chaos Excursion are as follows:

  1. To embark upon a journey of/for Chaos.
  2. To strengthen the powers of silence.
  3. As an exercise in Religious Humility, and idea which should be Laughed at in some length after the Excursion has been completed.
  4. To exercise the powers of fanatic belief.
  5. To create the birth of Chaos, bringing it to action.

  1. Carry a magical Pentacle with you at all times.
  2. Dedicate any sexual act to the birth of Chaos.
  3. Perform the Excursion Rite once every day.
  4. Dedicate ten minutes of each day to a silent vigil performed in a humble posture.


  1. Perform each step of the Lesser Excursion.
  2. Journey by foot to a chosen area of privacy once per day.
  3. In this area of privacy, dedicate 10 minutes to silence in a humble posture.
  4. After silence is completed, recite a prayer to Chaos in this place of privacy.
  5. Relate to Chaos each thing you see on your journey to this place of privacy.


  1. Perform each step of the Greater Excursion (which includes the Lesser).
  2. Interrupt the sleep midway through to perform a second Excursion Rite.
  3. Complete steps 2 through 5 of the Greater Excursion a second time each day, devoting 15 minutes to silence on each trip instead of 10.

The place of privacy the Pilgrim conducting the Greater or Extreme acts of Excursion will journey to should be at least one block away and outside if possible. The prayer to Chaos can be a personal prayer written by the individual and can be differe nt for each recital, or one may use the example below. A humble posture is any posture in which the Pilgrim feels they are supplicating themselves before Chaos. In devoting any sexual act to giving birth to Chaos, one is actualizing the action elem ent of Chaos, bringing it forth into the world. After the Excursion is complete, the Pentacle should be kept as a magical tool and can be inscribed with a record of the Excursion as is done in the Eucharistia of Chaos. If the Excursion is unsuccessful, the Pentacle should be destroyed.

Example of a Prayer to Chaos

Oh Chaos,
That Void from which All springs,
I humble myself before Thy Terrible Magnificence.
Oh Great Chaos,
You prove that Nothing is True
and Everything is Permitted.
Oh Great Reigning Mother and Father of All,
I commit myself as thy humble servant.
Oh Great Formless
From which All finds Its beginning,
You exist and the Earth Smiles.

The Pilgrim Rite

The magician will have an altar which will be just above his/her reach when kneeling (a table will suffice). On this altar, which should be covered by a dark earthy coloured cloth, the magician will place the magical Disk. Dark green candles should be burnt during this rite, and earthy incense (perhaps Valerian and Cedar) may be used as well. The magician should be robed in brown if possible.

The rite commences with a short prayer:

I do nothing but myself.
I do truth,
For nothing does truth
And I do nothing
But myself.
Nothing is True,
Everything is Permitted,
Something is Material.

  1. The magician will kneel, half sitting, on his/her knees before the altar. The magician shall be holding his/her arms forward, bent at the elbows, palms up in an offering gesture.
  2. Bow the head as if pleading with some unknown deity to take an offering. The magician states: "When I give, I give to myself".
  3. The magician stands, takes the Disk from the altar. "When I take, I take of myself".
  4. Hold the Disk close to the breast, cherishing it. "The universe is at my hands, clothed in earth."
  5. Holding the Disk, stretch out the hands roughly, pushing against the action and state: "GRIBCAV!" - The Birth of Chaos. Then, putting the disk on the altar, cry: "NIOTACH!" - Action.
  6. On the knees again, and cry: "I am a humble servant of Chaos!"
  7. Banishing by hysterical laughter, which is forced to a stop abruptly, as if catching yourself in a hideous blasphemy. At the end of the last performance of the Pilgrim rite, however, the laughter should not be stopped, but turned toward the idea of being a servant of anything.